Donnerstag, 8. April 2021

Too far away?

 Maybe the blogs I followed are also running out and so it looks so, that the writers who followed me, aren't active either.

So don't be afraid, if there's not coming any more

Freitag, 10. Juli 2020

How can I help?

Well, nowadays I am no longer active in excessive mountain- or racebike riding, but if ther were Questions About Long distance riding and so on, it would be a nice challenge for me to give answers and help to any newbies which would like to start in this Sports.

(sometimse I think, there is a Problem with my german autocorrection and the capitals)

Freitag, 11. Januar 2019

How to come along with a mirrorless camera

or is the DSLR really dead?
Who knows. The new mirrorless cams form Nikon and Canon compete on a very high level.
Both have especially for these sensors designed lenses with a wider mount and the features of them are also very well sophisticated.
So you may not wonder, that these cameras are all on a professional level. If you want to compare them, you have to do this with traditional cameras of an equal level an not with the toys.
Due to the price, it will still last a little, till I will change my system.
In the moment I am well provided with my actual equipement.

Donnerstag, 15. November 2018

Where will it lead to?

I remember the times well in my younger days, as we walked through deep snow already in november and today I think about putting my sweater off, because ist's really to warm for it. The only thing, that keeps me from puttin it off is that for a t-shirt it is still too cold.

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2018

I Write Like

Tja, wer es gern mal wissen möchte, der kann dieses kleine Webtool nutzen und seinen Schreibstil mal vergleichen, wie er denn wohl schreibe, der kleine Eleve.
Ich schreibe ja angeblich wie Leo Tolstoy, frag mich aber immer noch, wann denn endlich der Durchbruch kommt.

...und hier schon wieder!

Freitag, 23. März 2018

Yes, I am back!

But maybe not in the old form. Nowadays I'm tending more to be Photographer, than an hard training biker :D Ok, let's wait and see.